Members of Congress Urge U.S. to Lead in Development of Blockchain Technology for Relief Efforts
Today’s letter from Members of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus demonstrates just how urgent it is for the United States to have a coordinated plan for developing, supporting, and using blockchain technology. We are proud to have supported Congressman Emmer and the Caucus in continuing to bring more urgency to this issue.
Highlighting its potential use in managing identity, supply chains, and credentialing, the letter, led by Congressional Blockchain Caucus Co-chairs Reps. Tom Emmer (R-MN), Bill Foster (D-IL), David Schweikert (R-AZ), and Darren Soto (D-FL), urges the Administration to convene leaders from the public and private sectors to meet and develop a strategy effectuating use of blockchain technology in relief efforts. We appreciate the leadership of Congressman Tom Emmer and the Congressional Blockchain Caucus in showing how a national strategy for blockchain would support the United States and enhance resilience in our economy, digital infrastructure, and public health system.
“The Chamber of Digital Commerce has led the way with their National Action Plan for Blockchain, and the Congressional Blockchain Caucus has found a deep partnership with this important organization. This letter stands for our shared principles and goals. We must encourage the private sector in America to develop these technologies, and the public sector to explore its potential uses. When a crisis forms like the Coronavirus outbreak, blockchain can be an answer to many of the problems we face. This letter urges the administration to have each agency explore how blockchain can help combat the coronavirus outbreak. The Blockchain Caucus is grateful for our partnership with the Chamber of Digital Commerce and will continue to push for increased federal exploration of blockchain technology in addressing many of America’s challenges.” – Congressman Tom Emmer
This is not the first time Members of Congress have come together to urge the Administration to proactively utilize blockchain technology. Last year, the Co-chairs of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus wrote to the Administration requesting that it facilitate a forum for government and business leaders to meet and discuss how a national strategy for blockchain can transform commerce, government services, public health, and our digital infrastructure. Had such a forum been convened, it could have been useful in addressing the circumstances we face today. And just three months ago, members of the Caucus again wrote to Secretary Mnuchin, urging consideration of blockchain technology for use in aid distribution.
The time is now to develop a strategic plan to support and promote the use of this technology. Other nations – China, the European Union, India, Australia, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates, to name a few – are already using this model framework for their own purposes. The United States is at risk of being eclipsed in the next wave of global technological development.
Government and industry must work together to support the development of this technology and coordinate U.S. blockchain strategy, through a designated office or otherwise, to play a pivotal role in identifying both areas of opportunity to deploy blockchain technology as well as areas of friction in policies and laws that are keeping us from realizing this technology’s full potential.