The Digital Chamber Releases The Crypto Voter Bloc National Survey

October 17, 2024 – Washington, D.C.— The Digital Chamber has conducted a national survey highlighting how cryptocurrency policies are poised to play a pivotal role in influencing voter behavior in the 2024 U.S. elections. The survey’s findings shed light on the emerging “Crypto Voting Bloc” and demonstrate bipartisan support for prioritizing crypto regulation at the federal level.

Key findings include:

  • 1 in 7 likely voters (16% or 26 million) identify as part of the Crypto Voting Bloc, indicating that cryptocurrency policy will significantly influence their vote in the 2024 elections. This group spans both Democrats and Republicans.
  • Pro-crypto candidates may gain an edge at the polls, with 25% of Democrats and 21% of Republicans reporting that a candidate’s stance on crypto would positively impact their likelihood of voting for them.
  • Both parties show strong support for prioritizing the crypto industry, with majorities of Democrats and Republicans agreeing that it should be a medium-to-high priority for Congress and the President.
  • Public sentiment around crypto remains mixed, with 46% of respondents feeling neutral about the topic. However, those who are more familiar with cryptocurrency express the most positive views (29% positive vs. 25% negative).
  • Familiarity with crypto correlates with increased trust in government regulation, as individuals with greater knowledge of the space show heightened confidence in officials to regulate blockchain and digital assets.

“The Crypto Voter Bloc National Survey is a wake-up call for policymakers: 1 in 7 likely voters now rank crypto as a deciding factor in the 2024 election,” said Perianne Boring, Founder and CEO of The Digital Chamber. “With tight margins expected across key races, this bipartisan Crypto Voting Bloc could tip the balance. Voters are sending a clear message—they want smart, balanced regulation that protects consumers without stifling innovation. Embracing a pro-crypto stance is a powerful opportunity for candidates to connect with this rapidly growing base.”

Conducted from September 12-17, 2024, in partnership with XandY Analytics, this national survey underscores the critical role that cryptocurrency will play in shaping the future of U.S. policy and governance. With bipartisan voter interest and a significant proportion of voters saying this issue will affect their vote, the results provide a glimpse into how digital assets will shape the upcoming election cycle.

To view The Crypto Voter Bloc National Survey results, visit: For more information and media inquiries, please contact the Digital Chamber at


About The Digital Chamber

The Digital Chamber is a non-profit trade organization committed to promoting blockchain adoption. We envision a fair and inclusive digital and financial ecosystem where everyone has the opportunity to participate. Access to digital assets is not merely a technological advancement but a fundamental human right, crucial for economic and social empowerment. Through targeted education, advocacy, and strategic collaborations with government and industry stakeholders, we drive innovation and shape policies that create a favorable environment for the blockchain technology ecosystem.