
Blockchain Meets the Beltway: Technology Leaders Gravitate to Washington, DC

Inaugural DC Blockchain Summit Features Prominent FinTech Executives

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Chamber of Digital Commerce announces an impressive list of additional speakers for its DC Blockchain Summit (, which will take place on March 3, 2016 at Georgetown University. These influential thought leaders will discuss how blockchain technology can solve real world financial problems, and how the current regulatory landscape can affect adoption, growth and investment.

The updated speaker lineup includes:

Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC)

Adam Ludwin – Co-Founder & CEO, Chain

Brian Forde – Director, MIT Digital Currency Initiative

Jim Robinson – Managing Partner, RRE Ventures

Marc Hochstein – Editor in Chief, American Banker

Marco Santori – Global Policy Counsel, Blockchain & Partner, Pillsbury

Sam Cole – Co-Founder, KnCMiner

Stephen Pair – Co-Founder & CEO, BitPay,

Additional speakers include, Don Tapscott, CEO, The Tapscott Group; Marley Gray, Director Technology Strategy – Blockchain, Microsoft; Arvind Krishna, Senior Vice President and Director, IBM; Matthew Roszak, Founding Partner, Tally Capital; C. Alden Pelker, FBI; Rep. David Schweikert; Jeff Garzik, Bitcoin Core Developer; and many more.

The DC Blockchain Summit posed the following question to its distinguished guest speakers: “What is the future of banking and blockchain and what should Washington know about it?” Here’s a sampling of their responses.

“It is imperative Washington understands the breakthrough technologies that comprise the Blockchain. Irrefutable, published value transfer and trade for both digital, and physical, goods is a massive operating system upgrade for all networks. As with the Internet today, we will look back in twenty years and wonder how we ever got along without it. Like the internet, new winners and losers – individual, commercial and nations – will be determined by their capacity to embrace this change.” – Jim Robinson, Managing Partner, RRE Ventures

“Blockchains and other shared ledgers promise to make the financial industry more resilient, efficient and transparent, and there is a fascinating debate underway over how the technology will take hold. From the innovations made possible by bitcoin’s permission-less, open network, to the more cautious recent experiments by financial institutions, this technology has galvanized new thinking in a normally staid industry.” –Marc Hochstein, Editor In Chief, American Banker

“Blockchain technology presents a genuine opportunity for our government to re-examine first principals of regulation and policymaking. The Blockchain Alliance is an important part of this conversation and Pillsbury is happy to represent on this significant panel.” -Marco Santori, Global Policy Counsel, Blockchain & Partner, Pillsbury

“With some experts predicting over one trillion USD to be saved by the banking and finance industry. The impact of blockchain technology will allow savings not seen since the Internet.” –Sam Cole, Co-Founder & CEO, KnCMiner

“The applications of blockchain technology extend far beyond the financial industry. I believe it’s the most important human invention since the printing press. As far as banking is concerned, it’s difficult to imagine any other way that banking will work in the future than what we see with Bitcoin and blockchain technology.” –Stephen Pair, Co-founder & CEO, BitPay.

The Chamber invites the DC community, finance and technology entrepreneurs, students, technologist, and all those interested in the future of finance to attend the DC Blockchain Summit.

Early Bird registration rates are available until February 10 for $99. The first 100 individuals to register will receive a copy of Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott’s new book, “Blockchain Revolution.” Special rates are available for government employees, members of nonprofit organizations, and students.

For more information and to register for the conference, visit: DC Summit.


About the Chamber of Digital Commerce

The Chamber of Digital Commerce is the world’s leading trade association dedicated to promoting the understanding, acceptance and use of digital assets and blockchain-based technologies. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Chamber is the founder of the Smart Contracts Alliance, the Blockchain Alliance, the Global Blockchain Forum and many other key industry initiatives. For more information, please visit or follow us on Twitter: @ChamberDigital.

Chamber Media Contact:
Erin Tye
Paragon Public Relations
