Promoting Balanced Stablecoin Regulation
Advocating for Clear and Balanced Regulation: Paving the Way for Stablecoin Integration in the Web3 Economy

A lack of U.S. regulatory clarity to boost stablecoin adoption.
An innovative legal framework that preserves current, widely utilized state-based regulatory frameworks, while giving non-bank issuers the option to seek federal oversight.
The Policy Issues

Balanced Stablecoin Regulation
The rapid ascent of stablecoins has brought to the forefront the need for a regulatory framework that can keep pace with the sector’s innovation while addressing emerging challenges.
States have been pivotal in driving forward the innovation and adoption of stablecoins. The Digital Chamber has advocated for a balanced stablecoin regulatory framework that recognizes and preserves existing state pathways for stablecoin issuance and management and provides necessary clarity.
We will continue to advocate against any proposed framework in Congress that would eliminate the states’ role in oversight and supervision of non-bank stablecoin issuers.
- Stablecoin Working Group Policy Priorities | February 2025
- Sen. Hagerty Releases Clarity for Payment Stablecoin Act Discussion Draft | October 2024
- Statement of Support of Section 10 of the SAFER Banking Act | October 2023
- President’s Working Group Report on Stablecoins | November 2021
- Critical Differences in Stablecoin Legislation | April 2024